Breathe by Aroha Pehi
Poetry and movement on video
Digital commission for Duniya Behter
Artist Statement
"Inspired by my experiences of lockdown, I’ve created movement on film that represents my own exploration of words that come in a form of a poem. The poem is about breath and how, through my own journey, I had taken it for granted and helped me to overcome isolation. “To breathe is a necessity, is a luxury.” Words that I wrote down during the first lockdown, which was at the same time as the 2020 fires and still are so relevant to this day." — Aroha Pehi
About the artist:
Aroha Pehi is a proud Darrriebullum, Kuku-Yalnji, Ngāphui and Ngātiporou woman from South-East Queensland with strong ties to the Shepparton community.
A graduate of NAISDA Dance College, she works as a freelance dancer based in Sydney. She co-founded ‘Lost All Sorts Collective’, a contemporary dance theatre collective producing works focused on Indigenous issues.
Aroha has started to explore new art expressions, such as writing and dance on film.
Related Projects:
Breathe by Aroha Pehi was commissioned through MAV’s program Duniya Behter. Supported by the Victorian Government through the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities during Coronavirus (PRMC) program. Duniya Behter is delivered in partnership with Point of Difference Studios.