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REVIEW Patricia Mattia REVIEW Patricia Mattia

REVIEW: The Last Sicilian, a poetic farewell to language and identity

The Last Sicilian, a play that forms part of the Festival of the Mother Tongue is supported by La Mama and performed at CoAsIt Italian Museo in Carlton. Director Laurence Stragio and performers Rosa Voto, Rosanna Morales and Irine Vela pack a punch from the moment you walk through the door. You, the audience member, form part of the community of mourners carrying salt for a deceased woman. The woman represents the mother tongue of the island of Sicily, Italy.

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REVIEW Jodi Kashani REVIEW Jodi Kashani

REVIEW: Echoes of Liberation, the power of 'I’m a Virtual Being'

"I’m a virtual being, take photos of me" is an exceptionally important narrator of the lived experiences of Iranian women who have been oppressed throughout the history of the Islamic regime of Iran. However, this brave generation of women has transformed this oppression into a stance against cruelty, creating one of the most progressive movements under the name "Women, Life, Freedom." This movement has gained global traction, largely due to the contribution of the media in sharing it across the world. This play, written by one of the brightest contemporary Iranian playwrights, Mohammad Rezaei Rad, elaborately captures this milestone in the history of Iran.

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